Results for 'Fátima Cotano Olivera'

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  1.  12
    Olivera Cadahia, Luciana; Carrasco-Conde, Ana (editoras) (2020). Fuera de sí mismas. Motivos para dislocarse. Herder. 399 páginas. [REVIEW]Laura Herrero Olivera - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):199-202.
    Olivera Cadahia, Luciana; Carrasco-Conde, Ana. Fuera de sí mismas. Motivos para dislocarse. Herder. 399 páginas.
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  2. What makes for conceptual similarity?Olivera Savic & Hope Sample - 2017 - Theoria Beograd 60 (4):77-90.
    A significant number of phenomena in psychology is explained in terms of similarity. While the term has found to be useful in understanding and defining other phenomena, the similarity itself remains to be poorly understood and defined. Here we aim to discuss the current status of the concept of similarity as it is applied to research in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
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    El De imaginibus caelestibus de Ibn al-Ḥātim.Marc Oliveras - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (1):171-220.
    En 1987 K. Lippincott y D. Pingree publicaron una primera edición latina junto a una traducción inglesa del tratado bilingüe árabo-latino del s. XV De imaginibus caelestibus, escrito originariamente por el andalusí Ibn al-?atim en el s. X. El trabajo que se presenta aquí pretende completar al precedente con una edición del texto árabe, su traducción al español y añadir algunas interpretaciones a las posibles fuentes de la imaginería talismánica. En este breve tratado de astromagia, Ibn al-Hatim se dedica principalmente (...)
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    Clasicistas de la Baxada: El desarrollo de los Estudios Clásicos en Paraná (1960-1980).Diego Alexander Olivera - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (1):195-217.
    Este trabajo indaga sobre el desarrollo de los estudios helénicos en la ciudad de Paraná durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970. Una etapa caracterizada por la presencia en la capital entrerriana de varios individuos que de una u otra manera contribuyeron a fomentar el estudio y la enseñanza de la cultura griega clásica. En esa línea, se exploran aquí las trayectorias intelectuales y redes académicas de los mencionados personajes. Con énfasis en las figuras de Osvaldo Melella y Vicente Visñovezky, (...)
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    Meister Eckhart y las metáforas místicas del alma y la Deidad.Mariano Olivera - 2018 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 21 (42):83-100.
    El propósito de este artículo, reside en mostrar y analizar, las metáforas más notables con las cuales el maestro dominico de vida espiritual Eckhart, transmite la reunión del alma humana creada y separada (existente) del Dios Creador, con lo Uno, o unidad esencial originaria, definida en su totalidad como Deidad. La atención se centra en alguno de sus sermones, donde se explican las alegorías del alma humana, la divinidad y la fusión o encuentro de ambas en la Deidad. Se trata (...)
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    Specialised Dictionaries for Learners.Pedro A. Fuertes-Olivera (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    This book defends two main ideas: there is a need and a market for better specialised dictionaries for learners; we need a sound theoretical framework for coping with known and unknown challenges in the realm of pedagogical specialised lexicography. Both themes were Enrique Alcaraz's driving force during his life. Hence, his memory deserves this book that has been written by leading scholars in the field? they have compiled more than 70 dictionaries and published hundreds of books and articles on the (...)
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    Filosofía entre fronteras conceptuales y políticas: nómadas, exilios, refugios.Laura Herrero Olivera & Mariana Urquijo Reguera (eds.) - 2021 - Madrid: Ediciones Antígona.
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  8. Aristotle's concept of the state.Olivera Z. Mijuskovic - 2017 - SOCRATES 4 (4):13-20.
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    The ethics among the professionals of the different disciplines of the Health.Adrián Rafael Minsal Olivera - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):193-194.
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    'A epistemologia engajada de Hugh Lacey II' - Estudo crítico de 'Is science value free? Values and scientific understanding' (Hugh Lacey).Marcos Olivera - 2000 - Manuscrito 23 (1).
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    Client satisfaction with abortion care in three Russian cities.Elizabeth Oliveras, Ulla Larsen & Patricia H. David - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (5):585.
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  12. El delincuente en el programa jurídico de Leibniz.Flavia Álvarez Olivera & Eduardo Álvarez Mosquera - 2011 - A Parte Rei 73:3.
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    Estrategia educativa para lograr una sexualidad saludable en el adulto mayor.Carmen Olivera Carmenates & Alberto Bujardón Mendoza - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (2):0-0.
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    Educative strategy on healthy sexuality in teenagers.Carmen Olivera Carmenates & Bestard Aranda - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):629-645.
    Se realizó un estudio de intervención con el objetivo de elaborar una estrategia educativa para incrementar conocimientos sobre sexualidad sana en un grupo de adolescentes de la escuela Secundaria Básica Alfredo Gómez del Municipio Camagüey entre octubre de 2012 y febrero de 2013. La muestra fue de 37 estudiantes. Se aplicó una encuesta que se convirtió en el registro primario de datos, confeccionada según criterios de expertos y la bibliografía. Una vez analizados los resultados se procedió a diseñar la estrategia (...)
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  15. Encarnar sentido: sobre el valor ontológico de la estética en la definición de obra de arte de Arthur Danto.Diana Vélez Olivera - 2016 - In Ramírez Jaramillo, John Fredy, Javier Domínguez Hernández & Carlos Venegas Zubiría, Arte sin estética? Medellín: Facultad de Artes, Universidad de Antioquia.
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  16. Espiritualidad y mística esponsal:¿ caducada y reliquia del pasado o vigente y profética en el presente?Bernardo Olivera - 2008 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 32 (66):227-270.
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  17. Filosofía concreta fundamental al alcance de todos.Abayuba Olivera Villamil - 1947 - Montevideo:
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  18.  27
    Fornis, César; Hermosa, Antonio y Fernández Muñoz, Jesús (coords.). Tucídides y el poder de la Historia.Diego Alexander Olivera - 2020 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 24 (2):161-164.
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    Kant y los otros seres racionales. El punto de vista de los habitantes de los astros.Laura Herrero Olivera - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):165-185.
    En este artículo recorro algunas de las páginas de la obra kantiana que introducen la problemática de los otros seres racionales, me centro para ello en Historia universal de la naturaleza y Teoría del cielo, la Fundamentación de la metafísica de las costumbres y la Antropología en sentido pragmático. Mi propuesta es que la hipótesis de la existencia de otras formas de racionalidad, que en algunos textos Kant sitúa en otros planetas, nos proporciona una perspectiva necesaria para poder dar alguna (...)
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    La antinomia del futuro en Kant.Laura Herrero Olivera - 2010 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:275-284.
    Based on the conditions of Kantian Theory of Knowledge, this paper investigates the proper place of freedom, considered from the practical point of view in which maxims try to achieve happiness. In the same way, reason recognize the necessary respect for the moral law. Where must freedom be placed? In the elections in the world of sense or in the submit to that law? Assumption of the second propos- al implies to set up the origin of morality in the reason (...)
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  21.  14
    La usucapión como forma de adquisición en beneficio de la existencia.Laura Herrero Olivera - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:164-177.
    En este trabajo se reflexiona en torno al concepto de _usucapio_ del §33 de la _Metafísica de las costumbres_. Para ello se piensan las condiciones y relación entre la posesión sensible y de la posesión inteligible o jurídica sin caer en una mera implicación causal. La posibilidad de uso de los objetos como garantía de la libertad legitimaría el principio de la usucapio, de la que, además, dice Kant que las dificultades que entraña la convierten en un concepto contradictorio.
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  22. Modernidad y modernización.Numas Armando Gil Olivera - 1999 - In Luis Villar Borda, Modernidad y modernización: un compromiso filosófico. Barranquilla, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones, Universidad del Atlántico.
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  23. «Oydnos vos por amor de dios» Sobre los Mandamientos para con Dios segùn San Juan de Ávila.Antonio Martin Olivera - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 139:163-183.
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    Qu’est-Ce Quela «Littérature Générale»? La Culture Lettrée au Prisme du Marché du Livre de la Première Moitié du XX e Siècle.Philippe Olivera - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (1-2):27-49.
    Le propos de cet article est de mettre en lumière l'importance, pour l'histoire culturelle, d'une notion professionnelle du monde éditorial comme la« littérature générale» qui contredit la plupart des modalités usuelles de classement et de division de la production intellectuelle. C'est en s'appuyant sur une source« indigène» des métiers du livre comme les annonces publicitaires de la Bibliographie de la France que l'on peut mettre à jour la cohérence d'un vaste domaine qui comprend mais dépasse aussi largement les frontières de (...)
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    Reportaje a la filosofía.Numas Armando Gil Olivera - 1999 - Santa Fé de Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Gente Nueva Ltda., /.
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    Rafael Carrillo, pionero de la filosofía moderna en Colombia.Numas Armando Gil Olivera - 1998 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones de La Universidad del Atlantico.
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    Sobre la lucha de los monoteísmos.Laura Herrero Olivera & David Pascual Coello - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:289 - 290.
    This paper presents a reflection about the way in which Kant treats Future in his work, its possibility and conditions. First, I will present a résumé of the principal ideas on this task in his works Dreams os a Spirit Seer and The Conflict of the Faculties , published in 1766 and 1798. In the thirty years between both, Kant wrote his Critical Philosophy. We will see that the problem of the possibility of the speech about Future was always present (...)
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    Tucídides en Bagdad: el imperio ateniense y la guerra de Irak.Diego Alexander Olivera - 2024 - Argos 48:e0044.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la recepción de la obra de Tucídides a principios del siglo XXI en el contexto de la intervención militar estadounidense en Irak y la discusión sobre el carácter imperial de Estados Unidos. Se observa un empleo de la historia de la Atenas clásica y de su imperio, en pos de incidir en los debates políticos, en donde se le asigna al pasado las funciones de “legitimación” y “advertencia”. Se concluye que el imperio ateniense (...)
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  29.  29
    Traditio Legis y otras representaciones iconográficas a través de objetos de vidrio y vidriados.Juan Carlos Olivera Delgado - 2020 - Isidorianum 28 (55):49-61.
    En el presente artículo analizaremos las patenas de vidrio y vidriadas decoradas con la imagen de Cristo, san Pedro y san Pablo, así como el programa iconográfico de la Traditio Legis. A pesar de que no son muy numerosas en España, sí contamos con el importante testimonio de Cástulo o de la Almoina. El análisis de sus formas intrínsecas nos aporta una valiosa información iconográfica, que sería el ante sala del Pantocrator representado en el arte Románico en siglos posteriores.
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  30. Variantes de la metáfora plástica.Elena Oliveras - 1993 - Escritos de Filosofía 12 (23-24):223-229.
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    A War Criminal’s Remorse: the Case of Landžo and Plavšić.Olivera Simić & Barbora Holá - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (3):267-291.
    This paper analyses the role of remorse and apology in international criminal trials by juxtaposing two prominent cases of convicted war criminals Biljana Plavšić and Esad Landžo. Plavšić was the first and only Bosnian Serb political leader to plead guilty before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Her acknowledgement of guilt and purported remorse expressed during her ICTY proceedings was celebrated as a milestone for both the ICTY and the Balkans. However, she later retracted her remorse while serving (...)
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    Engendering Transitional Justice: Silence, Absence and Repair.Olivera Simic - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):1-8.
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    Feminist Research in Transitional Justice Studies: Navigating Silences and Disruptions in the Field.Olivera Simic - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):95-113.
    This paper will analyse what it takes to conduct feminist and sensitive research in countries that have seen mass human rights violations. Transitional justice research involves critical examination of difficult topics which raises a number of ethical and methodological issues for both the participants and the researchers. Although empirical research has been a facet of the studies produced in the field, researchers’ accounts of undertaking research in often politically sensitive environments is largely missing from published books and research reports. This (...)
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    The epidemiology of suicides on the territory of the city of Niš within 2001–2002.Olivera Skakić & Grozdanko Grbeša - 2003 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 10 (2):95-98.
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  35. Expert System for Castor Diseases and Diagnosis.Fatima M. Salman & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 3 (3):1-10.
    Background: The castor bean is a large grassy or semi-wooden shrub or small tree. Any part of the castor plant parts can suffering from a disease that weakens the ability to grow and eliminates its production. Therefore, in this paper will identify the pests and diseases present in castor culture and detect the symptoms in each disease. Also images is showing the symptom form in this disease. Objectives: The main objective of this expert system is to obtain appropriate diagnosis of (...)
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  36. Scars from Home: Social Geography, Familial Relations, and Patriarchy.Saba Fatima - forthcoming - In Georgi Gardiner & Micol Bez, The Philosophy of Sexual Violence. Routledge.
    In this narrative, Fatima examines the interplay of critical consciousness, relational dynamics, and patriarchy within social-geographical spaces. Drawing on personal experiences, the chapter explores how patriarchal norms, internalized and perpetuated within intimate relationships and community networks, shape gendered expectations and limit agency from childhood through adulthood. While acknowledging the harms inflicted by these norms, it highlights the dual role of these spaces in fostering both oppression and connection. The essay looks at why simplistic solutions like geographic escape ignore the interdependence (...)
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  37. On the Edge of Knowing: Microaggression and Epistemic Uncertainty as a Woman of Color.Saba Fatima - 2017 - In Kirsti Cole & Holly Hassel, Surviving Sexism in Academia: Feminist Strategies for Leadership. Routledge. pp. 147-157.
    The precise nature of microaggression purposely obscures the exploration of the intentionality of perpetrator and the quantification of the harm committed. The act fits neatly into a system that privileges some and validates their reality to themselves and to us. This paper explores microaggression and recommends strategies for avoiding its harms.
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  38. I Know What Happened to Me: The Epistemic Harms of Microaggression.Saba Fatima - 2019 - In Jeanine Weekes Schroer & Lauren Freeman, Microaggressions and Philosophy. New York: Taylor & Francis. pp. 163-183.
    How do we know that what has happened to us is a microaggression? I claim in this chapter that our understanding about how we perceive microaggression is grounded in the cultivation and critical reflection about experiences of people who occupy marginalized social locations. My aim is to explore the nature of epistemic harms of microaggression in order to highlight how they diminish the microaggressed’s ability to generate and participate in making knowledge claims. I differentiate between the primary (direct) harm of (...)
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    Statistical regularities shape semantic organization throughout development.Layla Unger, Olivera Savic & Vladimir M. Sloutsky - 2020 - Cognition 198:104190.
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    ‘It’s Not About the Money—Stop the Trauma’: Victims’ Responses to Reparations in Argentina and Australia.Keziah Colsell & Olivera Simić - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (2):163-181.
    In this paper, we compare reparation policies in Australia and Argentina. We analyse the difference between the reparations given by their respective governments to the Argentinian victims of the ‘Dirty War’ and to the ‘Stolen Generations’ in Australia. The aim of this paper is to compare the experience of victims in Argentina and Australia in relation to reparations to demonstrate that using only one type of reparations, either material or symbolic, is unsatisfactory for victims and does not repair the harm (...)
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  41. Who Counts as a Muslim? Identity, Multiplicity and Politics.Saba Fatima - 2011 - Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 31 (3):339-353.
    My aim in this paper is to carve out a political understanding of the Muslim identity. The Muslim identity is shaped within a religious mold. Inseparable from this religious understanding is a political one that is valuable in its own right in order to secure any sustainable possibility of participating politically as Muslims within a democratic liberal democracy, such as the United States. Here I explore not the historical or theological formation of the Muslim identity, rather a metaphysical understanding of (...)
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  42. Navigating the #MeToo Terrain in an Islamophobic Environment.Saba Fatima - 2021 - Social Philosophy Today 37:57-74.
    In this paper, I explore the significance of an intersectional lens when it comes to our conversations surrounding the #MeToo movement, in particular the way that such a lens helps us in recognizing narratives of sexual assault and harassment that are not typically viewed as such. The mainstream discourse on #MeToo in the United States has been quite exclusionary when it comes to women who are non-dominantly situated within societal structures. In particular, this paper looks at how Muslim American women’s (...)
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    Bibliografija radova akademika Vojislava Stanovc̆ića: primljeno na IX skupu Odeljenja drus̆tvenih nauka, održanom 19. novembra 2018. godine.Olivera Golubović - 2018 - Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti.
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    López Molina, Antonio M.: Teoría postmetafísica Del conocimiento. Crítica de la filosofía de la conciencia desde la epistemología de Habermas. Madrid, 2012. [REVIEW]Laura Herrero Olivera - 2013 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 58:187-188.
    Presentación de la obra que realiza una exposición de las principales teorías del conocimiento y de interpretación de la subjetividad desde el inicio de la modernidad.
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    IX Congreso nacional de filosofía del derecho y filosofía social: naturaleza, derecho y democracia: Barranquilla, septiembre 15-17 de 2010.Gil Olivera & Numas Armando (eds.) - 2010 - [Barranquilla]: Grupo de Investigación Cronotopías.
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    Krasnoff, L., Sánchez Madrid, N., Satne, P., , "Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the Twenty-First Century", University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2018. [REVIEW]Laura Herrero Olivera - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (3):799-801.
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    Lecciones de derecho natural-Feyerabend: taller del pensamiento kantiano. Reseña de: Hüning, Dieter; Klingner, Stefan und Sadun Bordoni Gianluca, Auf dem Weg zur kritischen Rechtslehre? Naturrecht, Moralphilosophie und Eigentumstheorie in Kants Naturrecht Feyerabend, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2021, pp. 273. ISBN 978-90-04-43261-1 (hardback); ISBN 978-90-04-44819-3. [REVIEW]Laura Herrero Olivera - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):409-414.
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    The Differences Between Mainstream and Special Education.Natasha Chichevska Jovanova & Olivera Rashikj Canevska - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):545-567.
    Inclusive education is a process that integrates students with special needs inmainstream schools, providing them with appropriate support and adaptations. Thispaper discusses the differences between mainstream and special education, focusing onthe right to education, aims and approaches, responsibilities and competences, curricula,focus of education, teacher preparation, learning conditions, teaching methods, learningstandards, assessment and evaluations, teacher competencies, educational researchand legislation. In Macedonia, inclusive education started in 1998 and is still in theprocess of development, aimed at the full inclusion of students with disabilities, (...)
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    Exploring the organizational factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior: a review-based article.Zoha Fatima - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):29-45.
    The selling environment is becoming more and more competitive and organizations are trying to gain edge over the other companies. Producing quality goods is not enough. In such a scenario, organizations are trying to make improvements in their salesforce which can be made by making them more ethical. Therefore, it becomes important for the organization to know the factors affecting salesforce ethical behavior. This paper makes an attempt in this regard and explores the organizational antecedents of salesforce ethical behavior. The (...)
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    Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers.Fatima Tresh, Ben Steeden, Georgina Randsley de Moura, Ana C. Leite, Hannah J. Swift & Abigail Player - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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